Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Courtesy: WHFoods
Courtesy: The Web

BROCCOLI - My first encounter with this wonderful vegetable was in October-1993. I had not seen or heard about Broccoli until then..which was already 1/4 of my life ( hopefully).

Since then, I've seen and eaten a variety of dishes made out of Broccoli. My kids love it. I love it too.

It's easy to cook and even if we cook it the South Indian tastes good. Simply boil it add some melted butter and it is so...soothing !

Best part is, it's very..very healthy.

Now to the point, SIFY reported today about how Broccoli helps in Prostrate cancer. Great research I thought ( as long as did not involve any what I wrote yesterday!!).
My question if you live in India - Do you get Broccoli these days in India? Have you eaten it? Have you cooked it?


Anonymous said...

The last time I visited India, did see a few Broccoli in the Food world. But they were as sad as the Cauliflower and Avocado next to it!

Jeevan said...

Yes, these Broccolis are available rarely in some vegetable shops here. must try it...