Saturday, May 20, 2006

Over the Hedge - Family fun

Watched the movie today with my kids
Thoroughly enjoyed it
Talking animals
Good humor (especially the Persian cat)
Nice storyline
Very satisfying movie

Check out the review


Jo said...

I have downloaded and watched the preview of this movie. I loved it a lot. Any animation movie from Pixar or Dreamworks is an amazing work. As you said its sad that we dont have such movies in India.

ruby said...

Inside every Man, there is a child sleeping...

I will watch this, to keep the child inside me happy...:)

Your blog has lead me to many of these audio blogs, which are just words to express...I haven't visited for the past 2 days...

Visithra said...

oh yes it was totally hillarious - laughed so much - n i love hammyyyyyyyy ;p

Revathi R said...

It would have been great for the vacation, if it was released in India also!

Have fun, you lucky!

Balaji said...

i've thot about taking my daughter too. she liked 'madagascar'. so i'm guessing this is the same kinda movie.

Amrita said...

me wants to watch tooo!