Tuesday, June 07, 2005

An update on my earlier posts

Update on - Weird Experiences in life

I have a feeling that this has stirred the passion among a lot of you. Just like many of you, I have a lot of respect for Paramacharya. I think the use of the word 'God-men' as a start of the post started a debate. I apologize for the confusion caused.

The thought I had, was to find out the weird experiences if any, among the readers of this blog.

Update on - Manmadhan Poem

I wrote this poem when I saw how the women in the subcontinent adapted faster than men to western style of dressing.


Anonymous said...

Sir - i guess u refer to Indian women - in your Manmadhan poem - what u say is true - women do adapt faster- we have oh so... many options with our dress designs - when men are mostly left with pants and shirts - t-shirts and shorts and the
MANY ways they wear them

so - what do u suggest ...what changes are u looking for... I am curious...

Anonymous said...

All your poems reek of sexism and male chauvinism. the one about shopping, the one about women adapting to clothes all make me feel that you somehow think females are inferior to males.

Narayanan Venkitu said...

A1 / A2,

You are welcome to feel whatever you want to. Afterall god gave us our own brains to look at life in different ways

A1 - I don't have any suggestions, I am sorry.

tt_giant said...

Nice retort, Narayanan. Keep up the good work.

Narayanan Venkitu said...

tt_Giant Thank you sir.

Grey-Vampire - So the world started as an accident?

Chez said...

Yes, Narayanan. The world started on its own. If seeing is believing, No one saw god create us, humans or other creatures. Godliness is a feeling within every human being. Thats it.

If god is the supreme power (There is no power above tht), then Nature is the Only god. Man can never ever control it.. he can only adapt to nature.

Hmm seems i'm turning very much into a Pagan Follower.. enough of this now.. :-)


Ganesh said...

anna kalakarel pongo

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Anand - Wonderful thoughts, Pagan follower? can you guide me please..I have no clues.!

Ganesh - Thanks thambi.! Enna aachu Rahmanukku appuram posts kaanumae.!!

Unknown said...

Faith is like an axiom, not a theorem.

Narayanan Venkitu said...

JAYAN - After a long time I am hearing the word Axiom.!!

Umm...interesting thought.!