Thursday, June 02, 2005

கலைஞர் பிறந்தநாள் - ஜூன் - 03 - 2005

உங்கள் அரசியலில் எனக்கு
உடன்பாடு இல்லை - ஆனால்
தமிழ் படைப்புகளில் எனக்கு
மிகுந்த ஈடுபாடு உண்டு.

உங்கள் கொள்கைகளில் எனக்கு
காதல் இல்லை - ஆனால்
தமிழ் கவிதைகளில் எனக்கு
அளவில்லாத காதல்.

உம்மை போன்ற மேலோர்கள்
தமிழுக்கு கிடைத்தது
தமிழ்த்தாய் செய்த புண்ணியம்!

நீர் வாழும் காலத்தில்
சிறியவன் நான் வாழ்வது
இறைவன் எனக்களித்த பாக்கியம்!

'வாழ்க நீவிர் பல்லாண்டு'
'இனிய பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள்'


Kaps said...

Spoke by comedian Vivek in Kalaignar style -

கலைஞரின் பதில்

கழக உடன்பிறப்பே
அடுத்த திமுக மாநாட்டில் கட்டாயம் வந்து கலந்து கொள்க
என் அரசியலிலும் உனக்கு ஈடுபாடு ஏற்ப்படும்

expertdabbler said...

Totally agree with you Sir.

Ram Viswanathan said...


Thanks for letting us know about Kalaignar's BD..

Intrestingly, I didn't see any of the usaual posters that would be plastered around Chennai (and TN) on an occassion I like this..

Here comes my BD greetings like a true Tamil Politician..

well.. I typed something in Tamil in my MS Word and tried to do cut and paste to the comment.. It didn't work.. Can anyone help decipher this 'user error' please..

since I 'tamil font' challenged now... here is my greeting

Dear kalaignar.. Happy Birth Day..

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with your writing - my feelings exactly. Have had the opportunity to listen to his tamil speeches (non-political) his tamil talent is unbelievable.

Ganesh Venkittu said...

very true....wish someone can take it to a tamizhan he will like it....


IBH said...

Wow!!! wonderful birthday wishes....same ennam as urs...not liking his politics but just worship his tamizh patru...

Anonymous said...

I agree with stanzas 1 and 2 and think 3, 4 and 5 are too much. I find it hard to look at his Tamil and politics seperately For example if somebody is scolding me in a poetic way, it is hard for me to look at the poetry part. If you write 3, 4 and 5 for his Tamil what would you write about his politics?

You got a nice blog and nowadays I am addicted to reading your blogs.
Keep up the good job.

Anonymous - want to stay anonymous - scared of the Kazhaga udanpirappugal!

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Folks, Thanks all of you.

Like I said, I like his tamil a lot.! Atleast for that I'll salute him.!

Anonymous said...

nice poem... i hope he didn't celebrate it extravagantly...
i am not sure how his recent writings are... i didn't really like the dialogues in the movie Kannamma he wrote...

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Kumaran - Thank you. I didn't watch the movie Kannamma.