Saturday, June 04, 2005

Turkey + Peacock = Turcock

My daughter Adhithi took this picture while she was playing outside our apartments yesterday.

We have a flock of Turkeys that live in the hills nearby. A group of Peacocks live in an abandoned house nearby. Looks like nature played the magic here.!

I've not seen a bird like this before. Have you?


tt_giant said...

Hmm.. Are you sure that its not a peacock with some discoloration problem?

Narayanan Venkitu said...

tt_giant - I am not 100% sure. I am hoping someone will clarify.

Does it look like diseased Peacock.
Who knows? Might be?

I've never seen Peacocks wandering around our apartment here. They live 1 mile away.! But a group of Turkeys, come everyday and look for food in the hills at the back of my Patio.!

bgood said...

To my knowledge this is just a female peacock and not a Turkey+Peacock stuff. I have seen this in india a lot. And i think female peacock is called as Peahen. Please see this link for sample female peacock pics.

Me said...

venkitu sir my ans is same as nep's....

Dante said...

Yes, its just a peahen. Only the males develop the characteristic plume of the peacock, to attract peahens. Apparently, the hens seem to have no need to look pretty.

Unknown said...

I ve seen such birds in Tuthukudi. People there said that the birds were vandalised for their feathers and hence the look!
So may its not the nature which played the magic. May Be!!

Krish said...

It shud be female peacock... but, who knows ur guess is also a possibility...

Unknown said...

Mummy daddy-kulla edho cross nadanthirukka...ella birth certificate and genes check pannunga :)

pk said...

its a female as someone already mentioned, they are called Peahen i think but not very sure. They peacocks use their heather to woo the peahen i read this somewhere.

pk said...
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Chez said...

இது பெண் மயிலப்பா...

ஆண் மயிலுக்கு மட்டுமே தோகை உண்டு. பெண் மயிலுக்கு தோகை இல்லை.

எப்பொழுதோ சிறு வயதில் தமிழ் பாட புத்தகத்தில் படித்தது!!

சேர மன்னனுக்கு மயில் போன்ற மனைவியின் அழகான தோகை போன்ற கூந்தலில் சந்தேகம் வந்தது..

மயிலின் கூந்தலிலேயே சந்தேகமோ???

அதிலும்... பார்த்ததே இல்லை என்று ஒரே போடாக பொட்டு விட்டீரே!!! அந்த மயில் இதை கேட்டிருந்தால் தூக்கு மாட்டிக் கொண்டிருக்கும்!!! :-)

The Doodler said...

Wow, your daughter seems to be a good photographer! :) But I tend to agree with the previous commenter: it does look like a diseased, discoloured peacock! :))

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Nep - Thank you, for your update. Maybe its a peocock with fallen feathers.! I've never in my 5 years seen one roam around near my house. Its all turkeys all the time.!

Me/Gandalf/Vasu/krish/Kaliedoscope - Thank you. Not sure again, if its a Peahen or a Peacock. Maybe a cross too. Looks to me now..that it is a stray Peahen.

Praveen - No wonder The Hindu Called you funny.!

Anand from Australia - Thanks from Stopping by. Very nice poem Indeed. Paavam andha Mayil...oru velai already thooku maatikkondadho? Umm..!!

Grey-Vampire - Indian??

Subha - My daughter is happy to read your comments, thank you.

Virumaandi - Looks like its a pea***!

Narayanan Venkitu said...
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PVS said...

hi Narayanan,

This is a peahen as many have already said. You can see it in India as well as in the zoos. Peahens are normally colourless as they have to protect their eggs. Only the male are colorful.

Twin-Gemini said...

Could it be a lab experiment gone wrong?

Anonymous said...

Great photograph. I think it is a peahen too.

Praveen, very funny!

Subhashri said...

Me and my friend were visiting a duck park here recently and he was explaining to me that usually in all species of animals the male counterpart is usually colorful and attractive and I have read it during my schooling too that peacocks have long beautiful feathers but not the peahens.So this should be one...

Narayanan Venkitu said...

PVS / Twin-G / Thank you.

Uma - Thanks for visiting. Is it the first time?

Bhooma - Thank you too..

My doubt did this one stray along with the turkeys.! I've never see one like this all my 5 years here.!

Ram Viswanathan said...

This looks like a peahen..

Anonymous said...

Narayanan Sir, been here many a times. Silent visitor in the past :)

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Thank you very much

Anonymous said...

i have a half turkey and half peacock lol

Anonymous said...

ooooo marvin if your reading this, i told you so!!!